Dhanush’s dad is now ready

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,November 17 2005]

After a brief hiatus, director Kasthooriraja, father of actor Dhanush and director Selvaraghavan, has commenced his next directorial venture Idhu Kadhal Varum Paruvam.

Interestingly, besides producing and directing the movie, Kasthooriraja would score the music too.

After Dreams almost a couple of years ago, Kasthooriraja has taken his time in getting ready or his new project.

Asked why was there such a big gap in his career, he says, 'I was keen on stabilizing the career of my sons - actor Dhanush and director Selvaraghavan. As a responsible father, I took time to help them stand on their own legs. Having achieved it, I am back to what I know - directing movies'.

Having been in the industry for so many years, Kasthooriraja says, 'the taste and preferences of the audience have undergone a sea change where movies are concerned. Earlier, emotional and sentimental movies were doing well on the big screen. Now they are being brought to the drawing rooms in the form of mega serials. Hence we are forced to direct movies to attract the youth'.

About Kadhal Varum Paruvam, the director says, 'It's my dream project which would click. Kiran not just oozes glamour but has also given a mature performance'.